Digital Cities & Citizens

Innovation week with focus on the smart society

Caroline Wendt
July 16, 2021

In mid-march 2021 Lunds innovation week came to Veberöd where sensors were set up with the intention to connect sensor data and other data sources via multiple digital platforms. The idea is to use the system jointly to increasingly generate a solid base for future decisions. "This is an investment for the future to be able to rebuild the municipalities digital system to become the smart city and the smart society Lund” says Anders Trana, Future by Lund.

Smarta Byar (Smart Villages) newly opened an office in Veberöds center. Thanks to the spacious location some of the LOSC-project participants were able to take part in the innovation week at the spot while a bigger number of participants joined via link, due to the pandemic. Experts from different organisations collaborated to get the different systems to talk to each other. Lund was represented by Future by Lund, Stadsbyggnadskontoret (the urban planning office) and the IT- department. Other collaborators who participated were AFRY, Mobile Heights, Sensative, Aveva (Wonderware) and Smarta Byar/Byutveckling.

During the week it was possible to connect to several sensors out in Veberöd. The sensors are connected via the IoT-platform Yggio. During the period the work started to link together Yggio, System Platform, Lund municipalities digital system and the digital twin in Veberöd. Upon successful connection the systems can communicate with each other. The idea is also to be able to plug in different internal and external data sources from, for example, Telia, LKF, Lunds municipality and the Swedish National Space Agency. The goal is to create a system that provides a good base for decision-making from many different data sources in real-time. This can be if great value for the smart society and ultimately save resources in form of time, capital and environment.

– Our challenge today is to gather it so that we can combine more different data sources from the municipality and society at large to find the great benefits, says Anders Trana, project leader of Lund Open Sensoring City (LOSC). Our systems need to be future-proof so that they can combine many digital signals - so that we can act directly on new data. It is important then to be able to work together across administrative borders. During the week we went a long way, but the exercise has also clearly shown that there are many challenges. These are notably organisational and about how we build our infrastructure. This has been interesting to work over administrative borders and I am very glad that we had Stadsbyggandskontoret (the Urban Planning Office) and the IT-department in a dialogue with the industry to see how we can be the future city and the smart city Lund.

The 3D-model in Veberöd is used to visualise the sensors in the village.

A digital 3D twin of Veberöd’s sensor-project was realized in the SOM-project (Smarta Offentliga Miljöer / Smart Official Environments) of Smarta Byar and LTH. During the innovation week the digital twin was used to visualize in real-time all existing and connectable sensors in Veberöd. Jan Malmgren, from Smarta Byar, has a close relation to the village which speeds up the process of setting up sensors for tests in together with the stakeholders. In the projects’ duration tests were made with thin strip-sensors from Sensative which are capable of measuring humidity percentage and the temperature. However, the sensors also give other information. For example, the 3D-model made it possible to see whether the gate in one of the pre-schools was open and measured the anti-theft alarm.

– The best thing with this exercise, next to us reaching results and getting knowledge, was that we gathered many actors with different perceptions around the same topics, says Magnus Sjöström, AFRY. Consensus was formed through the different opinions coming to the surface. Now it is important to continue with this. Building a smart city-platform is mainly a collaborative challenge, not a technical.

The format of an innovation week were many actors gather their resources to quickly advance was effective even though most participants worked remote.

– This has been a really good way of working given that we were able to test this in an environment without it costing too much. It is important to be able to test without needing to make costly investments which then may turn out wrong. I think this is a really good approach with which we will continue working, resumes Anders Trana.  

The LOSC-project is supported by Vinnova and Lunds Kommun.

Magnus Sjöström, AFRY, Emma Axklo, Smarta Byar, Britta Duve Hansen, Mobile Heights och Anders Trana, Future by Lund.

Translated by Christin Scheller


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