Global impact within walking distance

Lund Innovation District

Sweden is ranked as one of Europe's most innovative countries where the region of Skåne is among the top innovation leaders in Europe. In Lund, we have developed a unique innovation culture and support system over the past 40 years.

We have a mature innovation system that is now evolving to reach a new international level. We aim to do this by connecting environments and actors to create synergies and support a more complex transformation with interdisciplinary needs where deep knowledge meets deep knowledge across sectors and application areas.

In our work with the innovation district, we want to strengthen Lund's capacity for international collaborations and partnerships. We are developing Lund's innovation district together.

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The steering group

For the development of Lund Innovation District, a steering group has been formed consisting of Anders Almgren, Mayor and Chairman of the City Executive Committee in Lund Municipality; Kristina Eneroth, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Lund University; and Pia Kinhult, Head of Host State Relations at ESS. The task of leading the co-creation of Lund Innovation District has been assigned to Future by Lund.

Anders Almgren

Mayor and Chairman of the City Executive Committee in Lund Municipality

Foto: Fredrik Åkerberg

Kristina Eneroth

Pro Vice-Chancellor at Lund University

Foto: Kennet Ruona

Pia Kinhult

Head of Host States Relations ESS

Foto: ESS

Lund Innovation
District map

Corporate R&D
Big Science Infrastructure
Innovation Facilitator
Lab & Infrastructure
Ideon Science Park
Medicon Village
Science Village
Lund University
Lund Cathedral
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comfort zonen

I en allt trängre värld där fler aktörer är i jakt på nya idéer och lösningar blir även misstagen fler. Man vågar inte göra fel eller så försöker man skydda sina tillgångar ännu hårdare. Vår åsikt är att du måste våga lämna din Comfort zon och börja experimentera med nya tekniker, kunskaper och nya aktörer för att själv kunna förstå framtiden.

Explore our Innovation portfolios

By working in portfolios, our goal is not only to nurture one innovation but a palette of innovations and a transformation.

To Portfolios

What is an Innovation District?

“Innovation districts are dense hubs of economic activity where innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and placemaking intersect.” (The Global District of Innovation Districts)"
Innovation District" (ID) is an internationally recognized concept and term. Sometimes, it is also referred to as Innovation City, Innovation Garden, or Innovation Valley, all of which are more or less equivalent to an Innovation District. Today, different ID's connect with each other through international networks.

An ID is built upon a dense location that has high accessibility and proximity to the city as a development arena, incorporating research, knowledge actors, mixed-use facilities, test beds, and innovation infrastructure. In an ID, various actors collaborate to co-create economic development, sustainable living, jobs, and enhance the attractiveness of the place.

When creating an ID, it is based on a hyper-local geographic area where academic and medical institutions, corporate R&D centers, startups, entrepreneurial support organizations, and communities are actively combined. The aim is to encourage accessibility, creativity, collaboration, and innovation, with the goal of creating innovation ecosystems with a high density of innovative capacity and capability. This creates an exciting, enriching, secure, and inclusive place - a great place to live and work.

Through this, an ID creates a connection to democracy, skills, and opportunities for individuals and businesses to shape their future.

The purpose of creating an ID

A well-functioning ID is a cornerstone for Lund as an internationally recognized innovation hub. It is a place where unique developments take place, attracting international actors and individuals, and serving as a platform for new connections of ideas and people. An ID gathers and packages information, infrastructure, areas, and actors, providing support without imposing control.

The ID packaging facilitates establishments, developments, investments, and new collaborations for both the area and participating actors. We utilize and showcase our collective strength. Lund as an Innovation District is important for several organizations - Lund University, Lund Municipality, large companies, medium-sized and small enterprises, as well as the startup scene. It is also crucial for individuals who reside and work in Lund, as well as for attracting new talent for future activities in Lund.

Lund already has many of the components and functions needed in place to establish an ID. The challenge lies in making these parts work even better together - aligning hardware (labs, buildings, etc.) with software (people, capital, ideas, etc.), making the Lund ecosystem visible as a cohesive entity with strong synergies and exciting cross-connections.

As part of this effort, Future by Lund, with Lund Innovation District, has joined GIID, The Global Institute on Innovation Districts. This provides Lund with opportunities for collaboration with other innovation districts, access to internationally derived knowledge and data, shared resources for reports, and international visibility.

Discover more about Lund Innovation District

Read more about the Lund Innovation District in Lund University's magazine. Explore its meaning, impact, and the many innovative inventions that have been born in the city, as well as its many innovation platforms and companies. Lund is an innovative city with global impact is within walking distance.

No 1.

Cross–innovation with deep technology

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No 2.

The Spirit of Lund

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Share your thoughts and ideas

Got thoughts or ideas on how to help shape the future of Lund Innovation District? Let us know!

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Discover more about Lund Innovation District

Below you will find articles and other posts about Lund Innovation District

Innovation district

Internationellt samhällsbyggande och distriktets styrning

October 18, 2024
Innovation district

Ideon formar sig för framtiden

September 11, 2024
Innovation district

Värderingsdriven utveckling i Lund Innovation District

August 30, 2024
Innovation district

Stort intresse för att skapa inspirerande platser

August 7, 2024
Innovation district

Future by Lunds modeller ger inspiration i Europa

August 5, 2024
Innovation district

Hur skapar vi spännande mötesplatser i innovationsdistriktet?

June 25, 2024
Innovation district

Lund Innovation District nu också i Madrid

May 28, 2024
Innovation district

Hur kan platser stimulera innovation?

May 27, 2024
Innovation district

Ny politik förändrar spelplanen i Lund Innovation District

May 13, 2024
Innovation district

GIID analyserar markens roll i innovationsdistrikt

April 10, 2024
Innovation district

Enkätsvar ledde till lunch i Lund Innovation District

April 8, 2024
Innovation district

Vad får talangerna att välja Lund?

March 21, 2024
Innovation district

Afternoon Talk about new conditions for developing Lund Innovation District

March 19, 2024
Innovation district

Hubben har koll på Lunds bästa sidor

March 15, 2024
Innovation district

Tillfälle att diskutera talangattraktion!

February 22, 2024
Innovation district

En inkluderade innovationsmiljö en fördel att utveckla för Lund Innovation District

February 2, 2024
Innovation district

Samverkan, mötesplatser och nätverk utvecklar Lund Innovation District

February 2, 2024
Innovation district

Undersökningen av Lund Innovation District – 10 intressanta resultat

February 2, 2024
Innovation district

Vad krävs för att ta Lund Innovation District till nästa nivå?

January 30, 2024
Innovation district

”Vi måste bli bättre på att paketera och synliggöra innovationsdistriktet”

January 23, 2024
Innovation district

Kommande samtal om Lund Innovation District

January 16, 2024
Innovation district

Starta det nya året med samtal om Lund Innovation District

December 15, 2023
Innovation district

Kreativa ytor i Lund ger unika möjligheter

December 11, 2023
Innovation district

Paketering, finansiering och kritisk massa viktiga komponenter i Lund Innovation District

December 6, 2023
Innovation district

Lund visade upp klimatarbete i Barcelona

November 20, 2023
Innovation district

Stort intresse för arbetet med Lund Innovation District

November 3, 2023
Innovation district

Tre arrangemang om Lund Innovation District

October 4, 2023
Innovation district

Exploring Lund Innovation District: A Playground of Demos and Testbeds 

October 2, 2023
Innovation district

The Story of Lund Innovation District – Global Impact Within Walking Distance

October 2, 2023
Innovation district

Afternoon talk about Lund Innovation District

October 2, 2023
Innovation district

“Dialog och korskopplingar mellan olika partners är väldigt nära till hands”

September 29, 2023
Innovation district

Var med och forma Lund Innovation District!

September 8, 2023
Innovation district

Hur organiseras arbetet med innovationsdistrikt i Lund?

August 14, 2023
Innovation district

GIID analyserar hur lyckade innovationsdistrikt organiseras

August 14, 2023
Innovation district

Lund i internationellt samarbete för utveckling av innovationsdistrikt

August 14, 2023
Innovation district

”En stor vilja av att samarbeta och göra skillnad"

June 12, 2023
Innovation district

Stort samarbete för att framtidssäkra Barcelona

April 28, 2023
Innovation district

Innovationsdistrikt - en aktörsorganisering över gränser

March 27, 2023
Innovation district

Ny fas i arbetet med Lunds innovationsdistrikt

March 27, 2023
Innovation district

”Vi i Lund behöver positionera oss gemensamt”

January 19, 2022
Innovation district

Densiteten i Lunds Innovationsdistrikt

October 22, 2021
Innovation district

Science City Lyngbys resa mot att bli ett innovationsdistrikt

September 28, 2021
Innovation district

Samverkan kan förbättra Lunds innovationsekosystem

August 24, 2021
Innovation district

“Cities have an interesting role to play as a testbed for many of the innovation activities”

July 1, 2020
Innovation district

Barcelona kopplar ihop teknik och innovation med kultur, kreativa näringar och social innovation

February 25, 2020
Innovation district

Innovationsdistrikten ska få talangerna att frodas

November 7, 2019